Don’t miss the opportunity to enter your fabulous 2022 photographs of Dulverton into the Dulverton Photographic Competition. Open to all ages and all abilities – with a prize of £50 to the winner!
We are looking for photos particularly of the town of Dulverton and its immediate surroundings. Images submitted will be used to promote Dulverton via social media and our website to visitors to the town. We’re not looking for clever photos – use your camera or your smart phone – just great pics to add to our library of images to help promote our lovely town!
The competition is to be judged by award-winning photographer Rosie Barnes and there is a generous prize to the winner. All entries to be submitted electronically to hello@visitdulverton.com before midnight on Friday 15 July. This gives those entering the competition time to take photos of the town during the inaugural Dulverton Artisan Food, Drink & Crafts Festival on Saturday 9 July if they wish. Photos submitted are to be identifiable as having been taken in Dulverton.
Terms and Conditions of Entry: Please note that all photos submitted must be your own work, must not be copied, must not contain any third party materials and/or content that you do not have permission to use and must not otherwise be obscene, defamatory or in breach of any applicable legislation or regulations. The competition closes at midnight on Friday 15 July and all entries to be submitted electronically by that time by emailing them to hello@visitdulverton.com All entries to be supplied in the knowledge that they will be used by Visit Dulverton to promote the town and therefore must be free of any copyright. Large high resolution files to be submitted separately. The judge’s decision is final.