Many thanks to all those who attended the Dulverton Antiques Valuation Day in Dulverton Town Hall on Saturday 23 March. A steady flow of people clutching antique items kept the expert valuers from Adam Partridge Auctioneers busy throughout the day. Paintings, vases, watches, jewellery, military items, toys, crockery, silverware…. and much much more.
“What a lovely, friendly event” commented Mrs J from Brushford, “filled with Dulverton’s unique community spirit.”
‘Guess the Antique Item’ Competition
And so to the popular free competition: ‘Guess the Antique Item’. Many visitors had a go at guessing the original intended use of three antique items that had been brought along by Adam Partridge Auctioneers.
Item 1 – A late 18th Century yew wood wig powderer
Item 2 – An ice cream dispenser (to put between two wafers)
Item 3 – An exceptionally rare cattle horn trainer (to make the horns grow evenly)
Great fun was had by all the entrants amid lots of head scratching!
Only one person correctly guessed Item 1 – other suggestions included a hair curler, a beauty spot applicator, a device to pull lace stays and even an 18th Century ping pong game!
Nine people guessed Item 2 correctly – one interesting suggestion was that it was used for tying fish hooks!
Five people guessed that Item 3 was connected with the horns of an animal, though rams and billy goats were mentioned instead of cattle. Other suggestions included an udder teat cover, a seed spacer, a hobble and weights for a jockey!
The Winning Entries…
No-one guessed all three items correctly, but three people guessed two out of three and their names were put into a hat to draw the winner. These were:
Jane Erith
Chris Kelly
Mr J Wilkins
And The Winner is…
Chris Kelly
Congratulations to him! A bottle of wine is heading his way, generously donated by Town Mills B&B in Dulverton.
Thanks also to Dulverton’s Oggies Music Shop and Tim Venning’s ‘From Tim’s Workshop’ for bringing along their array of fascinating upcycled and repurposed items for the home – from musical instruments to agricultural machinery!
Finally, particular thanks to all the Visit Dulverton volunteers for baking cakes, serving refreshments and welcoming the visitors with big smiles!