Dulverton Antiques Valuation Day – Is there cash in your attic?!
Counting down the days until the next Dulverton Antiques Valuation Days to be held in the Town Hall on Saturday 23 March from 10.30 to 3.30.
The friendly and knowledgeable experts from Adam Partridge Auctioneers are returning to the beautiful Exmoor market town of Dulverton to join the volunteers from Visit Dulverton for another valuation event – and a fun competition for all to enter!
Visitors will be invited to search their attics and bring along any antiques, jewellery, fine art & collectors’ items they can find. For a small donation of £5 the specialists on hand will give a valuation and history of the items that are brought along. A maximum of three portable items per person (that are small enough to carry!). No pre-booking required, just a first come, first served simple ticketed system on the day. For those wishing to sell items, the auctioneers will be able to accept pieces on the day for future specialist auctions.
There will also be a fun free competition at the event, when visitors will be asked to guess “What is the antique item?” Three unique and unusual antique items will be displayed and competitors will be invited to write down what they believe the item to be and what was its original intended use. The first person to guess all three correctly will win a bottle of wine generously donated by Town Mills B&B in Dulverton.
There will also be stalls from Dulverton’s Oggies Music Shop and Tim Venning’s ‘From Tim’s Workshop’. Both businesses create fascinating upcycled and repurposed items for the home – from musical instruments to agricultural machinery!
Refreshments will be available.
Visit the event page to learn more.